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Hipsley and Associates, LLC

Professional Profile

Wayne G. Hipsley, BSc, MSc.

Bachelor of Science - Agriculture/Animal Husbandry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Master of Science - Animal Industries - Physiology, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Additional graduate work toward doctorate Animal Physiology. University of Tennessee
American Management Association - Organizational and Management Courses
American Society of Association Executives - Personnel and Operational Management
University of Arizona/Washington State University - Equine Identification Seminars
Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium

Honors and Recognitions
American Horse Publications - Numerous awards as editor of two major breed journals
Livestock Publications Council - Numerous awards as editor of two major breed journals.
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry - Outstanding Service Award
American Morgan Horse Association - Excellence in Service
International Arabian Horse Association - Exceptional Service
Massachusetts Cooperative Extension - Outstanding Service to 4-H Horse Program
Vermont Cooperative Extension –Outstanding Service to 4-H Horse Program

Professional Experience
Hipsley & Associates, Lexington, Kentucky - Equine Educational & Management Consultants

Providing a variety of services for many aspects of the horse business and related industries including association management and operations reviews; budget preparation; financial reviews; bylaws reviews; personnel searches and preliminary interviews; establishment of judges educational seminars and licensing criteria; coordination of educational programs; newsletter preparation; event management; equine related subject matter presentations; advice to legal counsel during litigation. Written numerous articles and monthly columns for equine publications. Client base ranges from domestic to foreign organizations: Professional Rodeo Cowboys Assn., Color Breed Council, Pinto Horse of America, Massachusetts Dept. of Public Safety, American Horse Council, American Miniature Horse Association, United States Pony Club, American Humane Society, American Hanoverian Society, Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand, Pinto Horse Assn of New Zealand, Andalusian Horse Society of New Zealand, New Zealand Western Riding Federation, Appaloosa Horse Assn of NZ, International Andalusian & Lusitano Horse Assn., International Buckskin Horse Assn, British Miniature Horse Society, Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry, Fjord Horse International, American Hackney Society, Danish Fjord Horse Studbook, City of Providence Rhode Island, Johnson & Wales College, North American Riding for the Handicapped, Rocky Mountain Saddle Horse Assn. Appaloosa Horse Club, American Horse Council-National Horse Identification Committee, US Livestock Genetic Export [USDA Foreign Marketing Service], Independent Miniature Horse Registry[AU], plus many more international and domestic organizations as well as breeders and owners.

Executive Vice President - International Arabian Horse Association, Denver, Colorado

Served as the chief operating officer for this 32,000 member non-profit breed organization.

Executive Director – American Morgan Horse Association, Shelburne, Vermont [formally Utica, NY]

Served as the chief operating officer of this 10,000 member non-profit breed organization.

Field Secretary – Arabian Horse Registry of America, Denver, Colorado

Initial responsibility for contacting breeders with problems in completing registrations, transfers of ownership and identification problems.

Professor/Department Head, Equine Studies – Midway College, Midway, Kentucky

Managed the equine teaching unit including coordination of course content, instruction and advising students.

Faculty Member/Instructor - University of Connecticut & University of Tennessee

Participated as full-time faculty member in departmental committees and activities. Conducted research in several areas of behavior and reproduction. Coached intercollegiate horse judging teams.

Superintendent of Horses - Instructor - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

Managed the University teaching and research herd, taught lectures and laboratory classes in horse management and care. Coached the intercollegiate horse judging team. Served as the liaison to the State 4-H Extension office, providing educational support on a variety of subjects for training volunteer leaders and youth.

State Extension Specialist - Agricultural Education - University of Massachusetts,

Cooperative Extension Service, Amherst, MA
Prepared and coordinated agricultural based educational curriculum and programs for educators in conjunction with agricultural producers.

Licensed Horse Show Judge and Professional Memberships
              American Miniature Horse Association
              American Miniature Horse Registry
              American Shetland Pony Club
              American Buckskin Horse Registry
              Appaloosa Horse Club of New Zealand
              International Buckskin Horse Association
              National Snaffle Bit Association
              New England Horseman’s Council – English/Western
              New Zealand Miniature Horse Association
              North American Saddle Mule Association
              Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
              Pinto Horse Association of America
              Ponies of the Americas
              United States Equestrian Federation
                        Andalusian, Friesian
                        Arabian, Western, Stock Seat Equitation
American Horse Council
Kentucky Farm Bureau
Kentucky Education Project

2005 European Union: Market Study and Recommendations
Guidelines and Handbook for Judging Fjord Horses
Guidelines and Handbook for Judging American Miniature Horses
The Art and Science of Judging and Selecting Horses [Work in progress]
2005 European Union: Market Study and Recommendations
Judging Horses in Individual and Team Competition Mass. Extension Publication

Several articles and columns on a variety of topics related to the horse industry, [i.e. judging, marketing, training, showing, breeds history, and more].
Educational Seminars and Clinics

A variety of educational seminars have been held in many different countries. Worked as the coordinator/instructor for horse show judge’s seminars held to educate and license judges. Consultant and coordinate on the licensing processes, including the preparation of examinations and the examination process.

The following are some of the associations:
American Miniature Horse Association, American Morgan Horse Association, International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association, International Arabian Horse Association, Miniature Horse Club of Great Britain, Miniature Horse Club of Europe, Andalusian Horse Association of New Zealand, Pinto Horse Association of New Zealand, New Zealand Miniature Horse Society, British Miniature Horse Society, Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry, Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand, Color Breed Council, Fjord Horse International, Appaloosa Horse Club of New Zealand and more.

With over 50 years of experience in the horse industry in many capacities he has become accomplished in the following areas:

Professor of Equine Studies               Horse Owner                          Horse Breeder           
Horse Show Exhibitor                         Horse Clinician                        Horse Trainer
Horse Association Executive              Horse Magazine Editor           Horse Rider
Horse Show Judge                             Horse Association Director     Horse Farrier  
Horse Riding Instructor                       Horse Youth Program Instructor
Horse Trail Riding Guide                     Horse Identification                 Horse Consultant
Horse Investigator                               Horse Transportation              Horse Nutrition
Horse Manual Author                          Horse Event/Show Management                               
Horse Research                                 International Horse Professional
Horse Marketing & Promotion             Horse Auction Sale Management
Horse Appraisals & Evaluations         Horse Breed Association Management
Horse Farm Management
            Layout and Design of Buildings and Structures         Gates, Fences and Fencing
            Pasture Establishment, Renovation and Maintenance
            Farm Machinery and Operations                                Hay and Forage Production
            Building and Machinery Maintenance             Feeds, Feeding and Storage
            Veterinary and Farrier Care                                        Fire and Safety
            Reproductive Management of the Mare and Stallion
            Horse Handling and Training                                      Personnel Management
            Horse Equipment and Supplies                                  Show Preparation
            Bedding and Manure Storage and Disposal               Conditioning
            Record Keeping and Office Management                 
Horse Stable Riding Management [in addition to the above]
            Safety Training – Fire Response                    Safety Training – Horse Handling
            Safety - Equipment Checks including All Tack
            Safety - Trail Operations                                 Safety - Riding Arena Surfaces
            Safety - Restrictive Barriers                           Trail Maintenance                                            Instruction on Riding                                      Proper Horsemanship Skills                          
Public Relations/Communications                
Animal Welfare and Humane Treatment                   
Agricultural Production – Hay and Forages                Seedbed Preparation

A Detailed Curriculum Vita Available Upon Request:

Additional Staff and Experts

Through work in the horse industry Hipsley has developed a network of professional horsemen and women, and equine scientists as additional resources for his knowledge, talent and skills. These range from Certified Public Accountants to Farriers, from Hay Producers to Horse Trainers, from Horse Transportation to, Event/Show Managers, from Development/Marketing Specialists to Legal Counsel and veterinarians.

Let’s Go and Grow®

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Hipsley & Associates, LLC 
Lexington, KY

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