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Hipsley and Associates, LLC

Equine Breed Association & Studbook Societies

With over 20 years of experience in the business management and operations of equine breed associations, the challenges and issues can significant. From foal registration and transfers of ownership to membership, from DNA/Blood typing to permanent identification, from licensed officials to competition programs, a full scope of activities can be a source of challenges to members and users of the association’s services.

Advice on the methods for dealing with association procedures, application of rules and regulations, and seeking satisfactory solutions for service related matters are all within range of services.

Problems with registration matters associated with the identity of horses can be a serious issue to resolve. Verifying the correct identity of a horse at the time of purchase is a critical process for the acquisition and selling of registered horses.

Conversely, working with associations to prepare information and documentation on the enforcement of their rules and regulations can be achieved. Included in the expertise is assistance in the preparation of bylaws, membership programs and related matters for the governance of the association with an emphasis on the application of due process for all persons involved in the association’s activities.

Equine breed associations need to prepare their rules and regulations to comply with international standards and datelines. Expertise in the horse industry from a global perspective allows for the opportunity to communicate the needs of members and owners of the breed from foreign countries, as each country has different traditions and customs associated with livestock and horses.

Expertise in equine identification is very important in the role of today’s breed association with the impact of bio-security and traceability. Breed associations need to be prepared to handle these issues in the future.

Establishment of international reciprocity has become an important consideration for all breed associations and studbooks, since the advent of the internet.

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Hipsley & Associates, LLC 
Lexington, KY

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