

Equestrian Competition
Equine Breed Associations
Ethical Practices
International Equine Organizations
Safety and Riding
Tax Audits
Zoning & Planning

Professional Profile
Case Histories

Hipsley and Associates, LLC

Buyers /Sellers

Buyer or Seller’s Representative - During the course of either buying or selling horses, the buyer’s or seller’s interest can be represented. If you are seeking a horse, or advice on the purchase of a horse, let our agent[s] represent you without the emotional commitment to the acquisition. A very logical, non-emotional approach can be taken to acquire the facts about the horse[s], assess the horse’s potential uses, while providing fair representation. We work for either the buyer or seller, but never both on the sale of a horse.

Evaluation Assessments - Establishing a ‘real’ market value can be an important need for buying, selling, insurance, and any other type of value assessment. To properly establish a fair market value the use[s] of the horse must be established, and than a careful review of the horse’s conformation, pedigree, training, performance, competition accomplish- ments, breeding history, and veterinary history. Combined these provide an accurate overview of the horse’s value.

Arbitration – As challenges arise between buyer-seller and lessor-lessee, arbitration can assist in bringing resolution to the disputed issue providing mutual agreement conclusion.


Hipsley & Associates has been dealing in the acquisition and sell of horses for many years to understand the needs of all parties. Not to be overlooked in these, are the issues associated with the purchase of frozen semen, and breeding contracts. The horse expertise extends to matters related to the leasing of horses for riding and breeding purposes. 

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Hipsley & Associates, LLC 
Lexington, KY

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