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Hipsley and Associates, LLC

Animal Welfare

Providing expert testimony upon examination and assessment of horses, ponies, mules, donkeys and facilities to legal counsel can be accomplished at any location, at all times of the year. While working with veterinary professionals, assessment of a horse’s condition, state of health, and potential for recovery can be determined. Perhaps nearly as important is the assessment of the physical facilities and environment under which the animals are maintained.

Season, climate, physical conditions, availability to feed, pasture and water all contribute to the well-being of the animals in a domestic setting. Transportation, horse shows and other equestrian events contribute to a level of abnormal stress which affects the animals. Fair assessment of each of these is critical to determining the cause-effect relationship with an animal’s treatment and condition. 

A thorough documentation both written and photographic become very important aids in preparing a defense or claims against a defendant.

Presentations on the topic of animal welfare made to: Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, American Morgan Horse Association, American Horse Council, Color Breed Horse Council, Pinto Horse Assn of America, and many more contribute to the experience, knowledge and expertise in this field. Serving on the American Horse Council Horse Show Committee expanded the knowledge dealing with humane legislative issues associated with horse-soring and drug testing.



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Hipsley & Associates, LLC 
Lexington, KY

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